The Sadakichi Award for Experimental Work with Scent honors the work of people who engage with scent outside of the realm of commercial perfumery. The 9th Art and Olfaction Sadakichi Award will be presented to one outstanding experimental project out of five finalists.

    The Sadakichi Award for Experimental Work with Scent is for experimental practitioners who make unconventional or non-traditional use of scent that takes it out of the domain of traditional perfumery.

    A Sadakichi Award submission will meet one or more of these points:

    • The project may be a collaborative project, or a solo project
    • The project must have been created with the intention of existing in the realm of a creative practice, whose primary audience lies firmly in the space of culture, technology, design, media, academia, etc.
    • The scent component of the project is concept-driven, and produced in conjunction or in support of a creative or technological practice or project
    • The scent project has been exhibited to the public in some way in the 2022 calendar years in a public setting (examples of this include but are not limited to a gallery, a publication, a theatre, online, an academic conference, etc.).
    • The scent component of the project may have been formulated either by a professional perfumer or by a non-perfumer
    • For the sake of the awards, we define a creative practice as a visual, performative, literary, conceptual, technological, installation-based, curatorial or musical practice

    All submitters to the Sadakichi Award category should be prepared to provide the information and names of their external collaborators, including the submission's primary perfumer. This information will be requested if the submission makes the finals.

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